Category Archives: Feel the love

From Thierry Moreau


You will be missed! Having you as an advisor and more importantly as a friend has been a blessing. The first couple years of a Ph.D. can sometimes be a bumpy ride, and you’ve been incredibly supportive and encouraging in the most difficult times. I’ve sought advice from you many times, from administrative issues regarding scholarships all the way to personal hardships, and you’ve always been attentive, compassionate, and willing to help. I admire your dedication and hard work in making this entire department function so seamlessly as a cohesive community. Lindsay, thank you, thank you for always being there for us. You are a role model and an inspiration to many of us and above all an amazing human being.

I wish you the best in this exciting new chapter in you life.


From Johnny Yan

Hi Lindsay,

You don’t know how important you are in my life. No, you won’t know, because it simply can’t be expressed by words. You’re the one helped me in AND out of this great department, You’re the one gave me a hug, when I was crying like a little boy experiencing the very hard time personally. You’re the one answering countless questions from a “trouble maker”. You’re the one always leave the door open physically and mentally to me and to my fellow CSE grads. You’re the one I will always appreciate and never forget in my life.

Although the time comes so sudden that we will say goodbye in a few days, that means you could take some break after many many years of hard work. I sincerely wish you all the best and enjoy your retired life. You will be missed! Take care!

From Adrian Sampson

Lindsay, I can’t overstate how instrumental you were to me (and many others) making it through grad school. Your tireless work was essential for everything from Friday breakfast to the carnival of visit days. Among your many superpowers is an incredible ability to make everyone feel individually welcomed. Everyone in CSE knew they had a trusted friend *and* a counselor who will help them navigate the mysterious waters of grad school. We will miss you, Lindsay!

From Paul Pham

Lindsay was at the beginning and the end of my grad school experience, and the long pause in between. She encouraged and helped me re-apply. Her door is always open for chatting, no matter how busy she is. She could teach graduate-level courses in being positive, never appearing rushed, and making other people feel valuable and important. Much love and appreciation, Lindsay!

From Caitlin Bonnar


I can’t think of a single time that I left your office without feeling better about myself, grad school, or, really, life in general. I think I speak for a lot of the other grad students when I say that. You have a way of seeing the best in us, and reminding us of it when our spirits, energy, or confidence are low. You’ve made many parts of a difficult transition so much easier for all of us.

When I showed up at CSE the day before grad school applications were due in 2011, I couldn’t even see myself as a grad student, let alone a graduate student in computer science. You made me feel like I already belonged.  Not only that, but you remembered little details from our conversation that day, even after I had been a grad student in CSE for several months. You are the epitome of what makes the culture great here, and you had a strong influence on my decision to join UW CSE.

I hope you enjoy your much-deserved retirement, and that you visit us every once in awhile. We are going to miss you so much!

Warmest regards,
