Monthly Archives: December 2014

From: Ezgi Mercan

Lindsay, I cannot think of a CSE without you. You’ve been a tremendous help and a much needed smiling face during countless painful PhD journeys. I feel lucky to know you as my grad advisor and I wish you the best through new adventures!

I am afraid that the day after you left, we will start seeing confused grads all around the building and an epidemic of M&M deprivation will break in a few weeks.

You will always be CSE’s Lindsay.

From: PJ Velez


It’s hard to put into words how much you have helped me over the past few years. Whenever I felt stressed/concerned about grad school or life in general (which happened more than I anticipated it would), a simple trip to your office would always make me feel infinitely better. When I went on leave this past quarter I will admit I was a bit worried to not be able to walk into your office should anything come up. I quickly learned this was foolish however, as our communication via both telephone and email provided me with exactly the same feeling afterwards.

I know it’s not just me. A simple mention of your name brings waves respect and appreciation from all other grad students.  All of them. The fact that you take the time to make all of us feel better about ourselves and our situations on top of all the other work you’ve put into CSE is simply amazing to me.

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and CSE overall. You will be missed. Hope you enjoy retirement!


From Justin Bare

Lindsay, thanks for being such a great advisor, and a great person as well. You made it so much easier for me to navigate my way through the program these past few years in order to find a project that I enjoy working on. I hope your life in retirement is awesome. Thank you so much!

From Shwetak

Lindsay, thank you so much for what you have done for us!!! You were so incredibly helpful when I first arrived at UW. You were instrumental in helping me recruit new students, navigating CSE, and even helping the EE students navigate things. We will miss you!!

From Jon Froehlich


I cannot imagine CSE without you. From the very beginning, you were central to my (wonderful) experience as a graduate student–so helpful, so kind, so patient, so giving of your time. You were a constant source of encouragement, wisdom, and friendliness. Your famous M&M’s–consistently tasty and well worth the walk down five flights of stairs–set the tone for your general openness and kind offerings of all sorts. I always left your office feeling better than when I entered (from your advice, not the sugar rush!). This alone is no insignificant feat!

In reading through the wonderful postings of all the student, faculty, and staff, I know I am not alone in my appreciation. You’ve touched many lives. I am inspired by Kate Deibel’s posting–she included a quote from her PhD thesis acknowledgement section. I thought I would do the same. This is, after all, the key way in which graduate students show their gratitude. 🙂

[Thanks to] Lindsay Michimoto for being the best graduate academic advisor one could ask for (and who has probably supported more PhDs than the NSF, emotionally at least).

I wish you all the best in your retirement.


PS As a professor now, I hope I can positively influence as many students’ lives as you have!

From Adrian Sampson

Lindsay, I can’t overstate how instrumental you were to me (and many others) making it through grad school. Your tireless work was essential for everything from Friday breakfast to the carnival of visit days. Among your many superpowers is an incredible ability to make everyone feel individually welcomed. Everyone in CSE knew they had a trusted friend *and* a counselor who will help them navigate the mysterious waters of grad school. We will miss you, Lindsay!

From YongChul Kwon


I have never imagined the department or my years in the program without you but it is happening sadly… I still remember the day I checked-in the department, taking photo for the newgrad orientation in front of the map hung across your office. You were the go-to person whenever I had a question (I had a lot) or I needed someone to listen throughout my study. You were always on my side and gave wise advice whenever I felt lost. I am grateful that I am one of those with you and sincerely thank for your support for students and the department. I’ll miss the days we chat and will remember how you did and do the same if I mentor someone.

A million “thank you” is not enough but why not throw another one?
THANK YOU and enjoy your retirement!
All the best,

From Irene Zhang

As everyone knows CSE is a very special place and we have Ed to thank for that because he found Lindsay. I’ve often tried to explain to my friends at other grad schools what a “Lindsay” is, but never really got it quite right. Every time I think I’ve figured out all of the things that she does for us, something else pops up! I can honestly say that I would not have done a PhD if I had not discovered CSE and Lindsay.

Lindsay, thanks for all of your insightful words and I can only hope that I carry some of that advice-giving skill to my students someday.


From Maya Rodrig


I cannot count the afternoons that I stopped by your office for a chat and some m&m’s.  You always listened carefully and offered caring, practical advice and much needed moral support.  On one of these visits during my 3rd year, I came to share the news of my pregnancy.  I was worried about how it would affect my graduate career in CSE.  The first thing you told me was, “Now I know why you look so radiant!”.  You were so positive, so supportive, you made me believe that it was possible (and it was).  I will never forget the baby shower that you organized for me with Mira, Tammy, Sarah, Miryung, Vibha, and the rest of the wonderful CSE ladies.  You really made us feel like a family.

Thank you for your amazing support while I was in Seattle and during my last two years in AZ.  Even from afar, I could count on your mentoring and support, and you were always one of my first stops on every visit to Seattle. I greatly appreciate everything that you did for me and so many other grad students.

Enjoy your retirement and hope to see you in the neighborhood!



From Chris Cunnington

It’s been great working with you.  I bet you won’t miss all those meetings on funding and working out budgets!  But we are going to miss you and your incredible knowledge of every funding situation.  Thanks for all the time you spent helping us with administrative issues.

Best wishes and congratulations on your retirement.



From Sophia Wang

There aren’t enough words to describe how much Lindsay has helped and made an impact on the PhD journeys of my own’s and many of my peers’. Lindsay made one of the first impressions of our department to (prospective) graduate students. She successfully delivered the unique CSE culture which was one of the reasons that I came here. Whenever I had questions or confusion, Lindsay was always there to help out. Lindsay has been a part of the definition of CSE culture. It is hard to imagine what CSE is like without Lindsay.

We have taken Lindsay for granted for years which is sadly going to an end. I’m truly grateful for what Lindsay has done for me and for all of us. Best of luck, Lindsay. We will always love and miss you!

From: Tammy VanDeGrift

Farewell, oh great advisor! I am grateful that I had the chance to experience Lindsay’s listening, laughter, and most of all, love. UW CSE will miss this remarkable advisor and friend. Best wishes for the next chapter of your life, Lindsay! No doubt, you will be surrounded by more laughter and more love.

From Martin Tompa

Dear Lindsay,

It is impossible to imagine a better grad student advisor than you have been for all of us.  I think the most important attribute an advisor needs is empathy for the students that she advises, and you have that in spades!  I spent more time in your office talking about students who were struggling than those who were succeeding.  In every case, you already knew more about the student’s struggles than I did, and your concern and action were always greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much, Lindsay, for all you have done.  We certainly will miss you.


Thanks, Lindsay

I remember a few times you really helped me when I was making my way between synthetic biology and security. I don’t want to get into details about the event, but I really appreciate the help and guidance you gave me for navigating through grad school.

From Miryung Kim

Lindsay was more than a graduate advisor at UW CSE— she was a mentor to many students, and she had a genuine care for her students.  I’d stop by her office to chat about the challenges in the graduate schools and the suggestions for the department. She was always listening and welcoming. Without her encouragement and understanding, I don’t think I would have finished my PhD. After David Notkin (my advisor), she made the most impression to me at UW CSE. Lindsay’s contribution to the department cannot be understated and I will miss her dearly!

Miryung Kim (Now Prof @ UCLA)

From Craig Kaplan

Lindsay, it was always a true pleasure to have you around the department, and like many other grad students I benefitted greatly, both administratively and spiritually, from your presence.  Thanks so much.  (And I apologize if a tiny — tiny! — fraction of my seemingly legitimate visits were veiled excursions to get my M&M fix…)

From Mike Chung

It is difficult to imagine what CSE would be like without you, Lindsay. Thank you for everything you have done for me and CSE community. There were definitely many hard times during the course of the program and you were always there to figure out and comfort me and many, many friends in CSE. Thank you. It is deeply sad to hear you won’t be around, however, I truly hope for the best on your next journey.

From Neva Cherniavsky

Lindsay, you were the reason I chose UW!  You were so warm and welcoming, arranging a visit even before I’d applied.  You embodied the friendliness of the department and made coming to (very rainy) Seattle an easy choice.  And I loved my time at UW – people doing great research while having lots of fun.  Thanks for all your help and support over the years.  You will be greatly missed!

From Abe Friesen

Lindsay, your willingness and ability to make every student feel valued and that their struggles were important but also surmountable has been invaluable to us all. You cared deeply and it was obvious. Your care and attention to detail is a major part of why CSE felt like a community, not just a results-driven work place. I will always be grateful for the support and advice you provided, while always finding time to make me (and I’m sure everyone else) feel like a priority, not just one of many. Thanks so much for everything.

From Justin Huang

Lindsay, you will be missed! I’m always amazed by how you can keep track of so many people so well. You helped me out a lot with getting started in the department, and when I switched advisors. Thanks for everything, and best of luck to you in the future!

From: Sonya Alexandrova


I can’t imagine CSE without you! Whenever anyone had a non-technical problem, the first question always was “Have you talked to Lindsay about it?”. Concerns about research, grad school, life in general could always be eased by a ten-minute talk with you. Even if I came by your office and you were busy (all other grad students needed your advice too!), an M&Ms or two (or three) could help the day.

It’s really hard to put in words how important that was for me, knowing that you were always there if I needed advice or support. Thank you!! I hope that you have an amazing time in retirement, and (selfishly) that you’ll visit the department from time to time.


From Paul Pham

Lindsay was at the beginning and the end of my grad school experience, and the long pause in between. She encouraged and helped me re-apply. Her door is always open for chatting, no matter how busy she is. She could teach graduate-level courses in being positive, never appearing rushed, and making other people feel valuable and important. Much love and appreciation, Lindsay!

From Atri Rudra


First of all, congratulations on your retirement!

I came to UW from Austin first as a transfer student. I thought the graduate advisor at Austin was good (supportive staff in general was an alien concept for me coming from India) but I was thrilled to know that there could be even better graduate advisors. And then when I went on to my current job and saw how bad (some) graduate advisors can be, which made me appreciate your help and work even more than I thought was possible!

Lindsay, for me you are the yardstick on how to interact with students and I have tried my best to emulate you when I interact with students now, though of course failing to meet your standards. I still marvel at how you would patiently listen to us, not lose your cool* and be so incredibly supportive.

I feel incredibly lucky that you were around when I was there and I feel bad for incoming students who won’t have the benefit of your guidance.

Enjoy your retirement and please keep in touch!


* I do remember one incident when you did lose a bit of your cool. During my first pit party, I was not sure if significant others were invited so I checked with one of the students organizers who in jest said no. I took the answer at face value, so I asked Carole to drop me off at the party and she then left. I still remember how mad you were when you came to know about the prank. Carole did stop by later during the evening so no harm done.

From Rachel Pottinger


It was clear from the moment I met you in your interview that you were the right person for the job. I’m so glad you took the job! Both the department and I have benefited hugely from you.

You were a support to me when times were rough in graduate school (and who doesn’t have tough times in graduate school?) You’ve also been great to discuss improving both graduate school and diversity in CS, both while I was a graduate student and since.  But beyond that, you’ve been a good friend. It always brightened my day to see you, either by dropping by your office, or meeting you at Hopper, or meeting up in Paris!

So while you’re retiring and future students won’t have the pleasure of getting to know you, you’ve made a big impact in many people’s lives.  Thank you for your hard work… and, of course, we’ll always have Paris (sorry, I couldn’t help myself!)


From Caitlin Bonnar


I can’t think of a single time that I left your office without feeling better about myself, grad school, or, really, life in general. I think I speak for a lot of the other grad students when I say that. You have a way of seeing the best in us, and reminding us of it when our spirits, energy, or confidence are low. You’ve made many parts of a difficult transition so much easier for all of us.

When I showed up at CSE the day before grad school applications were due in 2011, I couldn’t even see myself as a grad student, let alone a graduate student in computer science. You made me feel like I already belonged.  Not only that, but you remembered little details from our conversation that day, even after I had been a grad student in CSE for several months. You are the epitome of what makes the culture great here, and you had a strong influence on my decision to join UW CSE.

I hope you enjoy your much-deserved retirement, and that you visit us every once in awhile. We are going to miss you so much!

Warmest regards,



From Tianqi Chen

Lindsay, I really want to Thank You for all the helps you gave me when I came to CSE. I am really proud that I am a part of this this department. This is a department where Lindsay is always there to support us and keep us away from the possible burdens that we need to face.  I only stayed here for a year and I but have already received tremendous help from you, and I am truely grateful for that.

Please enjoy your time in retirement and we will miss you.


From Dominik Moritz

Hi Lindsay,

When I came to CSE, everything was new and many things confusing. You took a lot of time for me and helped me to find my way around and I felt immediately welcome here. And beyond helping me to not get lost, you actively encouraged me to join the graduate program and stay in the department. Without you, I probably wouldn’t be in Seattle any more! Thank you Lindsay!

Alles Gute,

From Kate Deibel

I think we can both agree that my getting my PhD was not always smooth sailing, but you were always a rock in the storm. I could write another dissertation on how awesome and great of a person you are, but I’ll just quote what I said in my acknowledgements:

To Lindsay Michimoto. As the department’s graduate advisor, you have been an ever present beacon of support, encouragement, and advice. Thank you for keeping your office door open and available for all the times when I needed it.

Thank you, Lindsay!

Hearts, Kate

From Anna Karlin

Lindsay, I was the graduate program coordinator during your first year in CSE, and I am, again, the graduate program coordinator now, for your final months. It is my honor to have worked with you then and now. You have put heart and soul into your work in CSE, not to mention excruciatingly long hours.  All of us are so appreciative of all you have done for our students.

In the recent grad student survey, in response to the question “What can we do to improve the environment for grad students in CSE?”, an anonymous student wrote. “Double Lindsay’s salary and keep her from retiring!”

I am confident that this person’s sentiments are shared by everyone.

Please get out there and have a great time in retirement.

We will miss you!


From Ed Lazowska

As department chair back in 2000, I needed to find a new graduate advisor for Computer Science & Engineering. Louis Fox, who had been Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, said “There’s no choice – you need to try to recruit Lindsay Michimoto away from central advising.”

Was Louis ever right!

We’ve been blessed for 15 years with the best graduate advisor imaginable! Thanks so much for your incredible contributions to all of us in CSE, and especially to our students. They’re why we’re here, and having them in your wonderfully supportive hands has made a world of difference!

Don’t be a stranger!

xxx – Ed

(P.S. Thanks for all those M&Ms!)

From Hank Levy


Thanks for all of your dedication to our students over a remarkable 15 years in CSE.  Over that time, you’ve been an advisor, mentor, teacher, therapist, cheerleader, translator, strategist, mother, sister, manager, administrator, leader, counselor and guru to many hundreds of the world’s greatest graduate students.  And you’ve played an enormous role in helping them to navigate the challenge that is graduate school, and ultimately to be successful in both school and life.   Wishing you the best of happiness in retirement.  Stay in touch — we’ll miss you.
