I can’t think of a single time that I left your office without feeling better about myself, grad school, or, really, life in general. I think I speak for a lot of the other grad students when I say that. You have a way of seeing the best in us, and reminding us of it when our spirits, energy, or confidence are low. You’ve made many parts of a difficult transition so much easier for all of us.
When I showed up at CSE the day before grad school applications were due in 2011, I couldn’t even see myself as a grad student, let alone a graduate student in computer science. You made me feel like I already belonged. Not only that, but you remembered little details from our conversation that day, even after I had been a grad student in CSE for several months. You are the epitome of what makes the culture great here, and you had a strong influence on my decision to join UW CSE.
I hope you enjoy your much-deserved retirement, and that you visit us every once in awhile. We are going to miss you so much!
Warmest regards,