From Elise Dorough

No one ever gets to train for a new job for over a year. Lindsay has spoiled me in that way. And yet, I feel like we have just cracked the surface. There are many things I have learned from her about this job, but the only thing you really need to know is that the students are the job. Lindsay’s dedication to supporting the students through anything and everything has been my inspiration. As our department grows, the ins and outs of this job are going to change. But the students, however many of them there are, are always at the heart of it. Sometimes people forget that, but thanks to Lindsay I know that I won’t.

Lindsay, we are sad to see you go. I already miss having your office next to mine. I’ve appreciated your support over my time in CSE; starting when I interviewed for the undergraduate advising job all the way through to our final meetings as you pass along your knowledge. The last few years have brought lots of changes for me. You’ve been a great mentor and friend, helping to make work not feel so much like “work”. CSE is a special place, and it won’t be the same without you. Although I know that you’ll still be lurking… at least for a little while. 🙂

Isla says, HAVE FUN! You deserve it!



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