From Julie Letchner

Hi Lindsay!
Congratulations on your retirement!  CSE won’t be the same without you.
You (and your M&M’s!) are as responsible for my getting a PhD as my advisors.  I remember when I was considering quitting, you helped me work through my advisor change.  Not once did I ever stop by your office to be turned away.  You always had time to talk, and you always laid out options clearly without pushing one way or another.  I know you were busy, and that time was much appreciated.  Without your help I’m not sure I would have ended up with a PhD.  Thank you.
I know you provided the same support for many others in my cohort, too, so I can only imagine the number of grad students that you’ve made such a difference to over your tenure in CSE.  When I was there, you were our stable core and the heart of the program.  I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do next, and I hope CSE can find someone even half as supportive and dedicated as you to fill your place.
All the best,

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