From: PJ Velez


It’s hard to put into words how much you have helped me over the past few years. Whenever I felt stressed/concerned about grad school or life in general (which happened more than I anticipated it would), a simple trip to your office would always make me feel infinitely better. When I went on leave this past quarter I will admit I was a bit worried to not be able to walk into your office should anything come up. I quickly learned this was foolish however, as our communication via both telephone and email provided me with exactly the same feeling afterwards.

I know it’s not just me. A simple mention of your name brings waves respect and appreciation from all other grad students.  All of them. The fact that you take the time to make all of us feel better about ourselves and our situations on top of all the other work you’ve put into CSE is simply amazing to me.

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and CSE overall. You will be missed. Hope you enjoy retirement!


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